Empowering Visionaries, One Prototype at a Time.
Since 1997, as an early teenager, I've been immersed in software development, initially exploring HTML and crafting websites hosting downloadable ROM games. My interests transitioned to Game Development in 1999, creating my first game around early 2000s, and culminating in commercial agreements for J2ME games on early color screen cellphones by 2002.
Balancing university pursuits in Aeronautical Engineering, I paralleled my studies with remote work for a German-based mobile games company, honing my skills in J2ME development and game design.
Post-graduation in 2008, I gravitated towards more serious software development, finding its creative latitude more fulfilling than traditional engineering roles. As an independent contractor, I've nurtured a passion for crafting proof of concepts (PoCs) and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), enabling visionary founders across industries to drive innovation through software-intensive solutions.
The days, I specialize in empowering entrepreneurs by transforming ideas into tangible software solutions, leveraging over two decades of expertise and a continuous drive for innovation.
Most Used Skills
iOS native development
Since 2011Android native development
Since 2010Mobile development
Since 2002Web development
More actively since 2012Objective-C
Since 2011Swift
Since 2015Java
Since 2002C/C++
Since 2009Ruby on Rails
Since 2016HTML/CSS
More actively since 2012SQLite
Since 2010SQLServer/MySQL/PostgreSQL
Since 20090
Years of Experience
Projects Delivered